If you love our North American wild-life (White-Tail Deer; Cottontail Rabbits; Red Foxes; Pileated Wood-peckers; Great Horned Owls; Mallard Ducks; Blue-birds; Baltimore Orioles; Scarlet Tanagers; Flying Squirrels; Eastern American Toads; Wood-chucks; Chipmunks; etc.), just to name a few; then join us as an active or supporting member of the oldest Conservation Club in America--The Maryland State Game & Fish Protective Association in Perry Hall, Maryland.
If you are interested, call us @ (410) 931-0648 and ask for Dale or Valerie. Our Club requires 10 Mandatory Work Hours per year from each of its members--you can join various Work Parties held throughout the year, or help out with functions such as Kids' Parties, Roasts, or Feasts, or you can contribute your labor in other ways to help us all keep this property beautiful and bountiful for future generations to enjoy.
Click HERE for a Membership Application:
Click HERE for a Mandatory Work Requirement Sheet: